School and College Counseling

Our College Counseling team partners with Fenwick families and faculty to guide our students through the college search and application process. Informational and practical workshops and the ongoing assistance of our guidance counselors help each student grow in self-knowledge, identify interests, and find “right fit” options for post-secondary education.

Our college counseling vision is that each student is embarking on a journey of self-discovery while exploring university options and finding the right college fit. Beginning in 9th grade and continuing through senior year, students are presented with opportunities to learn more about their strengths and interests. By engaging early in the process, structuring a timeline, and making sure to keep in contact with the same guidance counselor throughout their high school years, students can make the process their own. Being an active participant in the search process empowers the students and helps them to sort through their priorities, strengths and challenges, dreams and goals.

While students are developing their university lists and attending to their applications, they are encouraged to develop their “courtship” with their preferred universities throughout their senior year. Students advocate for themselves through providing updates to their applications when appropriate, visiting campuses, and even attending classes when possible.  It is the goal of College Counseling that by May 1st each student will have discovered their best fit and will accept an offer of admission to an institution that appropriately challenges each of them to be the best version of themselves. 

Because we also want to help you find your place AFTER Fenwick

Fenwick’s School and College Counseling Department provides ongoing resources and advising to enable students to achieve and to navigate the college selection process. Counselors meet with students individually and in small group settings throughout the year. They provide academic support, schedule advisement, post-secondary guidance, and personal counseling.

Fenwick’s Guidance department provides seminars to help prepare for greater achievement. Seminars include:

  • Learning to take advantage of new opportunities
  • Study skills
  • Self-mastery skills
  • Understanding the post-secondary landscape

Group guidance is provided for standardized testing, college counseling, and career counseling. Our seminars ensure that the counselor writing your child’s college recommendation knows your child well and has been a part of your child’s efforts to reach his or her full potential while at Fenwick.

Additionally, throughout the year the department organizes parent meetings for each grade level. These meetings are meant to promote parental involvement in their child's education. The department provides parents with test results for all 9th, 10th, and 11th graders, as well as college and financial aid information for juniors and seniors.

As the student's advocate, the counselor is a liaison between parents, teachers, and students. Parents are encouraged to initiate calls to their child's counselor whenever they have concerns about their child's adjustment to Fenwick or academic performance.

College Counseling and Guidance Staff

Ellen Boucher

Ellen Boucher

Titles: Counselor
Departments: School & College Counseling
Katie Conroy

Katie Conroy

Titles: Counselor
Departments: School & College Counseling
Phone Numbers:
School: 9785878310
John Flynn

John Flynn

Titles: Director, School and College Counseling
Departments: School & College Counseling, Administration
Donna Langer

Donna Langer

Titles: Administrative Assistant
Departments: School & College Counseling
Phone Numbers:
School: 978-587-8313
Mary Lou McLaughlin

Mary Lou McLaughlin

Titles: Associate Director
Departments: School & College Counseling
Phone Numbers:
School: 978-587-8316